For Yamaha & Steinberg Nuage Console
Nuage Surround Panner combines a high-quality, three axis joystick with five touch-sensitive, push-button, rotary encoders, nine illuminated buttons and a three digit LED display, for indicating track number.
The controller can be easily connected, using its own built in 10/100 Ethernet interface.
With its custom software plug-in for Steinberg Nuendo (Mac and Windows), the panner is specifically designed to mount directly into the Yamaha/Steinberg Nuage Console expansion chassis. (NWS500-SM)
Controls include real time control and automation of Joystick X, Y, Z, Global Divergence, Auto Orbit, Front Divergence, Rear Divergence, Center Distribution, Front-Rear Divergence, LFE Level, Manual Orbit and more.
Nuage Panner is also compatible with Pro Tools Mac Version.
New – Direct support in Dolby ATMOS Tools 1.6 with Dolby ATMOS RMU.
USD 899